Piping engineering
Piping engineering, fabrication and construction services
Tanks, reservoirs and
steel structures
Construction and reconstruction of tanks and reservoirs
Transport and assembling of production lines and heavy machines
One of the newest and fastest growing department
Installation of technological equipment
Assembly of technological equipment is a production process
We launched new website
SINCE 1996
Reliability and quality since 1996
Reliability and quality since 1996
The company Strojmont, spol. s r.o., Košice was founded in 1996. Our clients are various industrial companies from whole country. We consider long-term experience, know-how and latest technologies to be the basis for the successful and stable growth of the company.
Our main services and solutions include technological assembling, business and technical activities in industrial construction. We provide service to clients based on their specific requirements, starting with design, deliveries, assembly to the finalization of every project.
Our goal is to constantly improving the quality of our services, deploying uptodate technologies in accordance with customer and market requirements.
Ing. Zuzana Múdra

We possess the quality management system certificate STN EN ISO 3834-2:2006 since january 2021.

our clients
The company is strongly customer-oriented. Thanks to this feature, we often do have a long-term business relationship with our clients.